A refund or exchange may be requested at any time prior to your receipt of the merchandise. Your refund will include taxes paid and the cost of any additional protection or warranty programs purchased. After your receipt of merchandise, if you are dissatisfied for any reason, you may return it for a refund minus a 25% restocking fee, less delivery fees, so long as it is returned at the time of delivery. To be eligible for return, except where prohibited by law, and unless your merchandise qualifies for replacement under a promotional program, Mattresses and Box Springs will be exempt from returns once it is placed inside of the home of the purchaser. Refunds will be in the same form as that of the original payment and issued only to the individual(s) listed in the invoice, except for cash. If your original payment was a cash payment and your refund exceeds $250, a refund check will be issued by our Corporate Office within 10 days and will be mailed to you by the store.